This week’s free pages: Color for our Heroes!

Another weird week down. Wherever you are, I hope you’re doing ok and feeling well.

This week was tough. Though cases are increasing in our county, we are fortunate things are relatively calm where we live in South Jersey. But I grew up in the Connecticut/Westchester area, outside of New York City, that has been hit so hard by Covid-19. My entire family still lives there and I worry so much about my family and friends in the NYC area. As I watch the news coming out of New York and other cities, my overwhelming feeling this week—as I’m sure it has been for many of you, too—has been one of helplessness.

But helpless doesn’t have to be hopeless.

A few days ago my sister asked if I had any Thank You coloring pages she could share with her daughter’s Girl Scout Troop to print at home, color, and send to the local hospital to let the doctors and nurses there know how much everyone is thinking of them. What a great idea! But not just for Girl Scouts—for everyone!

So here’s my homework for you: Let’s color these real-life superheroes some Thank You’s! This week, instead of just posting two pages for you guys, I’m posting eight pages of love, support, and hope that I want you to color and send/give to a healthcare worker or essential worker you love. Then color a page or two and mail them to your local hospital so we can surround our healthcare heroes with love. While most of us wait this thing out at home, our incredible healthcare workers and other essential workers are out there on the frontlines, every day, for us. Many of them don’t get to be home with their families. I cannot stop thinking about these brave people and how much they need our love, support, and gratitude right now. Let’s color their world and let them know that they are our heroes. ♥

Unlike my usual pages which I only leave up for the week, I’m going to leave these pages up, at the link below, indefinitely. Please share this link with your friends and family and let’s spread the love!!! #colorforourheroes

Be well & take care of each other. See you right here next week.

Jess ♥